Saturday, 16 November 2013

Singapore Days 2 and 3

Some random highlights....

Thursday: Spent most of the day riding trains on my own, visiting long-forgotten places, eating, reading and mourning over my apt to tire easily. This was partially owed to the sleepless night I had the night before, being distracted, a little disorientated (pregnancy does play havoc with a person so seasoned a traveller) and discouraged in my best efforts to tame my congested nose.

The day ended with Ji, Patricia (missionary from the Philippines) and I dining at a Hong Kong place at the grand Star Vista. It was good to chat about the work of God in foreign lands as well as to encourage one another, in contemplating on the many possibilities of joining God in His mission. Patricia, who was to return to her homeland the next day, graced us with her prayers and the contagion of her joy and enthusiasm in the simplest things. Ah, it has been fun having her stay with us, even though just for a short while.

Friday: Met up with Val, the sweets of whose friendship was somehow availed to me through our common but thankfully former struggles with eating disorders. How we got acquainted with each other was nothing less than miraculous; but I guess I won't share it here. It's too long a story.

We ate at The Soup Spoon in Vivo Mall. Although there was a thick envelope of chatter around us emanating from the hungry lunchtime crowd, it was still amazing to catch up with one another after so long. We also chatted about our challenges as married women and former ED sufferers, as well as our hopes for more Church based ministries which might reach out to young women with body image issues. I felt.... blessed and encouraged. Not to mention wildly happy at the fact that I have found yet another food that I can eat without feeling sick - a tuna and mayo sandwich. Thank God! (Yesterday evening, the HK prawn dumpling noodles and I had a tiff.)

Well then, the weekend is here! Have a good one, folks.

1 comment:

adeline said...

Until reading your blog, I had no idea that there are many South East Asians who go through ED's. I had assumed incorrectly that it is more of a "western" disorder as M'sians tend to live to eat.