Monday, 2 December 2013

1/12/13 ~ First Sunday of Advent

And so, Advent has begun.

Wherever we are in life, I pray that it may be a meaningful season for all... a season that serenades, dances, breathes and beckons us to the divine Life it celebrates and anticipates... a season as comforting for all as it might be magical for some... and a season that reminds us that God never leaves us without hope. After all, Christ the Emmanuel had come.

Stars may yet be seen when the night is at its darkest. Let us tremble with joy and be still as we await the first twinkle.

(For those of you who would like to know more about the significance of Advent in the Christian liturgical calendar, here is my reflection on Advent last year. Happy reading!)

Since, Ben and I are entering the season in the context of a very different mood than that of year 2012 - i.e. expectant instead of bereaved - I am wondering if I should be unconventionally-Grace by putting up Christmas decorations in our home this year. Because I never did. (It is the taking down of the decorations after Christmas - dust and sneezes too - that I dread!)

It is also time to begin on my DOGAC paper.

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