Thursday 13 March 2014

One of those days...

...when I feel like biting everybody... particularly those who've stepped on my tail.

*Struggles to forgive*

Perhaps, it's the hormones. And the crazy hot weather. No, a combination of both. I don't feel like myself at all. Not the tiniest bit. 

I ain't going to bed without counting my blessings though... and so, I'm thanking God for the sudden opportunity to earn some extra pocket money by helping a Korean missionary to prepare for her interview, and thus, practise conversational English. (The strange thing is this: we don't even know when her interview is.)

Thank You, Lord ~ for providing me my needs. My cup overflows.

Your mercy, goodness and lovingkindness have followed me indeed.

Please help me to be more even-tempered and forgiving tomorrow... because getting (and staying) cross with people drains me bad.

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