Monday, 5 May 2014

40 weeks and counting...

Wow, I haven't been blogging for a week. I don't know where time has flown.

My Korean student attends her job interview today, finally, after a few months of working very hard on her English. We know that her life and calling is in God's hands - and so, whether or not she gets the job, we will still celebrate when she's done. I thank God for the blessings of her friendship and generosity that have doused my life with rainbows in the past few months... and more than anything, I am grateful for the delights of hearing God speak through her - yes, even when she struggled to make herself understood. I am not sure if my work with her is done yet - but I hope that we would always stay friends, at least.  :)

My EDD arrived on Saturday, 3rd of May. However, my body isn't quite ready to go into labour yet - so we are doing all we can to avoid an induced labour (hopefully, labour comes naturally), while waiting for divine intervention from above. Please keep us in prayer - especially baby S, as she would probably need to spend another week (and hopefully less) confined to my tightening belly. Her daddy has been such a dear - cleaning up the whole house, rearranging the furniture and making home look like home, despite his yet-to-be-completed work project, filing taxes and other engagements - while her mummy takes more naps than usual, complains of the heat and waddles around looking very sorry for herself. :P  Oh dear...

May God bless his soul!

On a lighter note, it is 9 days to my wedding anniversary.

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