Thursday, 8 May 2014


Ten months of sowing, nurturing and waiting will culminate in a grand event tomorrow - as a baby makes her way into our world, to behold the sweaty brows of those who have loved her whom they have not met - and have awaited her arrival for so long. Or rather, we, her father and mother, will behold the gift that God has given us - a helpless bundle of cries, a milk-tank and a diaper-soiling womb graduate - who nevertheless will, we pray, grow up into a gracious and wise woman who loves God with all her heart, mind, soul and strength.

I was supposed to be induced at midnight - being overdue, symptomless and possessing a cervix that is seemingly as stubborn as I am - but the curtain may have risen a little earlier than we've expected, by God's grace (and thanks to all the prayers). Mild contractions began this afternoon - and are now getting a little more regular (every 10 minutes or so) and intense. We will see what happens later this evening - but definitely, a hospital visit is on our itinerary. My bag is packed and my work completed for now (until I decide to resume drawing after my maternity leave) - so I am quite ready for anything at this rate.

I guess this would be my last post - until things are a little more settled down with the baby. I look forward to updating again when I do. :)

Farewell, dear friends.

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