Tuesday 16 December 2014

Towards the end of 2014

What an eventful year it has been for me.

Having a baby, writing, teaching English and drawing 300+ illustrations for children devotional story-books took up the bulk of my attention, energy and time this year. Looking back, it was crazy - I don't know what made me so confident in the beginning that I would be able to juggle those along with my marriage, friendships and everything else. (A friend commented that I should learn to say no - and I couldn't agree more.) But hey, it looks like I didn't fare too badly, by the grace and help of God. Considering how horribly deep and dark some days were (post-partum depression really takes the cake), I am so thankful that He has yet enabled me to arrive at the end of 2014 with a sense of anticipation (a little timid, nevertheless present) - rather than purely tired cynicism, which I can be rather good at, unfortunately.

And indeed, 2014 has been a bittersweet year of journeying with Him. Of learning faithfulness and what it means to trust Him regardless of the crushing bleak, despair and loneliness that one might experience in a season of trial. Of tasting and seeing how good God is. How beautifully faithful the promise of Emmanuel...


It has still been... the craziest year ever. Having made a similar proclamation in 2007 (at the end of which I decided that since I hadn't gone mad then, I would probably never go mad for the rest of my life), I know that I might go through some more "craziest" years ever - but I am so thankful that this particular "craziest" year ever is over. Phew.

Four main things that I am especially grateful for this year, in no particular order of importance, are as follows:

1. Sophie - and the privilege of being her mom, inadequate as I may be.

2. My husband - and his dedication to supporting me (despite my mood swings and fickle-mindedness) and making life easier for me.

3. Friends - and the way their loving words, texts, provisions and actions help me through the most difficult of days. I couldn't have done without them. Fellow mothers, colleagues, seminary mates, close friends and such.

4. Family - and their care for us... new, inexperienced (and sleep-deprived) parents and baby.

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