Tuesday 11 October 2016

Muse: IM

Knackered beyond words. And down with a flu.

Sophie has also been flu-ish the past week. Which added to my stress. (But it was nothing compared to the food poisoning she had during our trip to Genting Highlands, thankfully!)

In light of my recent life challenges, I am so grateful for technology and the convenience of instant messaging (IM) applications. Think WhatsApp and FB Messenger. I wasn't into IM previously, but I have come to appreciate it more since I began owning a smartphone! Being able to reach out to a kindred spirit who is just a real-time text away (assuming there is Internet connection) is such a relief when you are at your wits end. Furthermore, as a person who dips quite easily into depression, I must say that IM keeps me from swimming too far into the deep end - because it enables me to get help without feeling like I need to see anybody in person, something I truly hate when I am down. (Fine, maybe I am already fairly anti-social without the depression.) And when I say "get help", I'd hardly admit that I am depressed. Perhaps I'd whine a little, but otherwise, it's a pretty normal text conversation - with a close friend. Nevertheless, it makes me feel much better afterwards. So, to you and you and you, thank you.

And why did I bring up the subject of IM anyway?

I wasn't feeling too happy or well today - but I somehow pulled out my phone and texted a friend to check on her (because she's been going through a hard time and the last text conversation we had ended up with her saying (typing), "Sigh." (She did ask me to check on her from time to time.) So, we chatted (briefly) again and couldn't help laughing at her messy situation because it is as hilarious as it is ridiculous and distressing. (Thankfully, things are much better for her now.) Later, we discussed a Bible verse that spoke to her and suddenly, it spoke to me too - I was comforted in my struggles. It then struck me that the IM is a relevant and contemporary means of rejoicing in the Lord "always" (Phil. 4:4, 1 Thess. 5:16-18) - provided we use it the right way. The thing about rejoicing is... it is an action rather than a state of being. One has to choose to do it habitually and purposefully so that joy becomes a very natural lifestyle, wherever one is and whatever the life circumstance. How well IM fits into the picture - for people like me! Of course, I make the effort to meet up with people every now and then - and I truly enjoy doing so on good days - but when I feel like I can't and yet need to get out of my head, IM is such a brilliant tool to get me to "pray without ceasing and give thanks in everything". It helps me to do a Philippians 4:8 when I am in danger of shutting out the whole world and drowning myself in sorrow.

Having said that, I promise to try my best not to be a nuisance to any particular friend. I myself know how harassingly annoying obsessive texters can be. Haha.

1 comment:

Adeline said...

I like whatsapp too. And I totally get what you're saying about being able to reach out to people in real time with Wifi. ~ Adeline