Friday 10 February 2017

Sophie's Diaries : 2 years 9 months ~ To school we go!

It has been an emotional week for our family.

Sophie is in school and daycare! The realisation that the baby girl who used to kick me from the depths of my pregnant belly is now that tall, school-uniformed toddler, warming up to a larger social circle and asking her teachers loads of curious (and funny) questions at school makes me sit back with a happy sigh. The updates from her principal encourage me that she is beginning to adapt (more about that the next paragraph) and we see her progresses at home too. From refusing the potty to wanting to use it to pee (she's off diapers now during the day - more about her lightning-quick toilet training in another post); from her usual shying away from other children to spontaneously playing and interacting with another child in Mcd's; from unpredictable scribbling/colouring in her colouring book to tracing the outline of a bear with her crayon; from being dependent on us for naps to napping blissfully out of her comfortable home under the watchful eye of her sitters, etc. Has it been only 3 days? I am so thankful that God provided for us to send her to a simple but good Christian pre-school with a nurturing environment.

Blessings aside, it has been rough for us (Sophie and her parents) with regard to letting go of one another. Three tearful mornings so far (the first day was the worst - toddler and parents were crying badly; of course we didn't do it in front of her, haha!) and I wonder how long more will we have to endure such agonising farewells. Furthermore, she has been refusing to eat at school - and only guzzles down all the milk there is to guzzle down - we really hope that she will start trying out the solid food at school soon. As her mother, there is always this sense of guilt. You are not sure why things happened the way they happened, but you start blaming yourself for having made some decisions deemed wrong in the present. I could feel myself leaning toward such faithlessness whenever she didn't cope well with something, but seeing her happy face at the end of the day always comforts my heart somehow.

Well then, here is to another exciting month ahead. God help us...

Oh, something random I forgot to mention - but just for the record - she began hopping on one leg sometime in the past month.

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