Friday 8 July 2011


It hasn't been a cheerful week for me (all kinds of stressors, nightmares, etc), so I haven't been blogging much - to avoid exaggerating my troubles, haha.

Anyway, I haven't been very well for the past 2 weeks.

After the health-scare last week... I came down this week with a gastrointestinal problem. It developed in the wee hours of Thursday morning. A nauseating and yet sharp pain in my abdomen woke me up; I ran to the bathroom, stayed there trying to keep from passing out - and then I spent a long time on the couch in the living room writhing and clutching my tummy in pain. Eventually, I stumbled back into our bedroom - and tried to sleep, but the pain was really too bad. Had to wake hubby up (and according to him, I was very cranky and mumbled some nonsense before passing out). In the morning, the lower part of my abdomen was all bloated with gas which couldn't be passed out. Every movement brought excruciating pain. While I did not call off my lunch appointment with Rachel (which I was glad I didn't), I spent the rest of the day drinking ginger tea and doing a Korean drama marathon on Ben's laptop.

Yes, I haven't done drama marathons in a long while now. The last one I did on my own was on a Japanese drama series i.e."One Litre of Tears' in 2007. That was a sad one - which made me cry every episode. (It didn't help that I was trying to get over a heartbreak then!) Thankfully this one (Personal Taste) made me laugh more...although ugh, I couldn't help getting very emo and sentimental even though there were almost no tears shed. (Maybe I cried in my heart.) Coz the main character in the story (Park Gae-In) reminded me of myself in many ways... what she went through, how she metamorphosized, her heartbreak, her pains, etc. I was also reflecting on my journey with Ben... yes, although it has been only 3 years plus since we began going out with one another, it has not been an easy 3 years. In fact, 3 years felt like a decade. The rocky patches were excruciatingly rocky - till I felt like I wanted to die. (I'm not exaggerating) Many tears were shed. Etc. But God was really gracious to me and faithful to us. On our wedding day, we could really celebrate the conclusion of 3 years made beautiful through pain - all glory to God.

People have been asking me (which I suppose it's normal for a newly wed) how married life is. Well, I'm definitely loving it. Being married doesn't mean that we stop having disagreements, quarreling or doing our petty fights (haha) from time to time. However, I feel that my love for Ben Wong has deepened; my respect for him as a man has grown; and the oneness we share strengthens me to trust, hope and stop being afraid.

Anyway I'll leave you with an excerpt of the blog post I once did on my first meeting with Ben, coz it makes me smile.

Monday, 21st January 2008:

"Really enjoyed the company and fellowship of our guests - Yeh Han and Ben (a different Ben from the one previously mentioned in my blog entries - I shall refer to him as Engineer Ben, to avoid confusion...and since the other Ben is a med student). Never really talked to Engineer Ben before this, even though we go to the same church - but I was very blessed to have an opportunity to talk to him before dinner. (Since I was not cooking, Esther and Lucas made me entertain our guests!:P - I was given a choice of playing the piano - some kind of lounge jazz or similar nonsense, I suppose - OR talking to the guys - and DUH, of course I chose the latter!) Found in Engineer Ben such a sweet, gentle and quiet spirit, and his heart tender for the Lord. He's really funny too, despite his quietness and humility. I pray that God would pour upon Engineer Ben an abundance of joy and strength for whatever trials he's going through now, if any. And Lord, may Your peace that transcends all understanding guard his mind and heart in Christ!

We talked and laughed ourselves hoarse over dinner. Coz the guys were hilarious! The food was wonderful too - thank you, Esth and Luk!

Went for my usual walk under the patterned stars in the sky. Many thoughts were swimming around in my head - but it was such a beautiful night that I wasn't too bothered by those - thank You Lord for it! Sometimes we desire so many things - that we forget to look around to see what God has already blessed us with to enjoy in the meanwhile."

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