Friday 8 July 2011

Trust in God

A poem I wrote on 19th Jan 2008:

Watch how lilies grow,
They neither toil nor spin…
Yet God arrays each with a splendid cloak,
Caressing them tenderly in the wind.
Watch the bird, he gracefully soars
Plants no seed, tills no land…
Yet God remembers him and his lil’ ones
Fills and warms them in His hand.
See the trees of centuries old
They stand silent and still…
To joyfully welcome every new season
Till their green the Father renews.
Why worry – men of little faith?
Does the Lord not know what we eagerly seek?
Does He not know what we need?
Does He not hear when we speak?
Learn from the lilies
They smile up at the sun…
Waiting for God’s golden touch
They wave their petals one by one.
Learn from the little bird
He puffs up his chest and sings
A tune only God knows and loves,
Adoration it brings.
Learn from the wise old trees
They do not rush the seasons past
Coz they’ve seen His faithfulness
From the first to the very last.
Therefore, trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on what you know
But walk by faith and not by sight
And He will lead you in the way you go....

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