Wednesday 11 September 2013

Christian spirituality

A little output after doing an assigned reading of Glen S. Scorgie's "A Little Guide to Christian Spirituality: Three Dimensions of Life with God".....

Christian spirituality is about establishing a transforming connection to God through Christ, by which the Holy Spirit shapes holistically who we will become and how we will live our lives.

The dynamics of Christian spirituality restore to God's perfect order - the distorted image of God in human beings, our relationship with God as well as with each other, the wounds our sins inflict and our vocations.

Christian spirituality is therefore a gift. One that is very graciously given and lavished upon us.... and yet one to which we must reciprocate by faith - whether in receiving, stewarding, resting or denying self. It is also a journey to abundant life. One which begins with us creating space - a prioritised space for God to enter our worldly lives, distractions and affections - and transform. One that is sustained by the means of spiritual disciplines.

Food for thought:

How does understanding the dynamics of Christian spirituality help the Church develop convictions and actions with regards to the children in the community?

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