Thursday 12 September 2013


Busy weekend coming up - what with conferences, music rehearsal(s), renewal services, church anniversary, tons of assignments and sibblings coming up from KL to visit.

*Surveys the house and decides that it is clean enough not to go on a cleaning spree before the guests arrive.*

I am not a multi-tasker by nature - but in times like this, I can't help but feel that God is teaching me again and again the great comfort of trusting Him.

Take one day at a time. Make realistic goals (and learn what realistic goals are, you perfectionist!) - do your best to reach them. And then, sleep. Eat. Enjoy the blessings He has blessed you to enjoy - Himself... friendships, family, leisure, exercise, beauty, art, Creation and all. This is the day that He has made - why not be glad and rejoice in it? Lament... by all means, lament. After that, worship gladly. In everything you do, worship God.

I am learning. Fail, I sometimes do... but you know, I'm a work in progress.

God, thank You for today. For laughter.... for love and care so graciously availed... for work and play... for all provisions... and for reminding me that there is nothing better than living a Christ-centred life of worship.

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